Here is the third playable character. As every RPG, this one is a magic driven character. The Elf Druid will be able to heal his partners, and will be able to change himself into a powerful wolf like creature.

Here is the "wolf like" version:

And, yes, for those who watch a lot of brit TV, this character is strongly inspired by some actor who I have a "crush" on. Try to guess who.
20 commentaires:
I thought this reminded me of someone! It's Russell Tovey isn't it? George from 'Being Human' - I'm loving the series. Any coincidence that your character also turns into a werewolf? :D
Fantastic art by the way, I'm looking forward to the game.
Yeah, it's him !
I'm totally addicted to Being Human, now, maybe because we can see him naked in every episode.
He does spend a lot of the time naked doesn't he! lol :D
I didn't realise before hand that he is actually openly gay and currently single (according to his wiki profile)... You might be in with a chance there Silencio! XD
You are an amazing character designer. I love all the personality that goes into them!
I have to admit, I'm not the biggest lover of RPGs-- but you, my friend, are embarking on momentous ground here... a gay erotic video game! Everyone say that with me... "GAY EROTIC VIDEO GAME!" Did uoi ever think those words would be used in a sentence together?
I knew I recognised him from somewhere... Then I was watching BBC and Being Human came up and I was like... OMG It's the druid! lol
Anyway gotta say I love your art, all of your pics are great :) and I can't wait until you release your RPG :D Take care
These keep getting better and better. Can't wait to see the final game! As always, incredible art. Keep it coming!
~Chris Lange
Love the Russel Tovey look-a-like. Quite hot (really love your art style). This game seems like it's going to be interesting ^_^
Wow, you're artwork is sexy and beautiful. I really love it! I knew right away who it was, although I only know him as Midshipman Frame in Doctor Who. I didn't realize he'd been naked in another series... Google here I come!
Can anyone tell me where and when this RPG game will be available or if there is related official webpage? Personally, I'm into RPG's (Oblivion, Morrowind)and the Sims 2. I like the hot characters depicted so far. Thank you in advance!
Stunning. Me too, The game will be fuckin awesome.
Mega hairy muscle hugs wishing you continued success
Il est super mignon! J'adore la façon dont tu as dessiné son nez. Ca lui donne un petit côté animal qui est très sexy.
Il faudra que je regarde Being Human, ça a l'air sympa :)
Hi there!
just to congratulate you on your art, you are awesome, i've been watching you from Y!Gallery, hope you don't mind but i put the link to your blog in my blog so the... 3 people that read it can see you too.
keep the good work, see ya!, here's the link to the post:
I can't wait to see the game (and any more artwork of it you'll be posting)! How is it coming along lately? :)
I'm such a huge fan of yours and your Guards series.
Congratulations for that fantastic art and may you always be inspired.
Big hugs from a fan in Mexico.
Oh my god, this is good stuff!!! I'm addicted to your work dude! You're great at what you do! You need to be making this stuff all the time.
hey I just stumbled upon this while looking for character art. This is great stuff for the genre, let alone the art and color. I'm very intrigued by one picture I didn't see in a post. I looked around the web and found you labeled it Mage. It's this one: Might we get a post about him or any other work with him? And are you really building a game/comic/something with these guys? I have to tell you, I'd buy/read. We need more gay themed geekery out there!
Hi Silencio! Just wanted to say that I'm a big fan of your art style. You're definately got me as a follower ;)
Cool character! You really an amazing character designer. I wish I had talent like you. :)
I'm not a gay guy but this game likes beautiful, thanks for the info!
All characters are really fantastic. I can't wait, when everything will be ready!
About Russell Tovey, I think I'm strange because I love him, e is so cute. But I see, that this isn't only mine opinion. He is so adorable!!
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