I'm just totally chocked and upset. Japan Expo asked Fabrissou to change his poster because "some people" complained about it... "Japan Expo has to be a mainstream convention for all the family and stuff...blahblahblah""
Well, then, how can they justified "prestigious" guests appearances such as "Katsumi" or "Nana Umi".
Nana Umi - Japan Expo 2009
Katsumi - Japan Expo 2009
Since when porn actresses represents familial mainstream entertainment ??? I've got a feeling that Japan Expo would be less inclined to invite fabulous gay porn actor such as Jack Radcliffe or Blake Harper... So let's face it : Dear Japan Expo, could you be at least honest enough to admit that you were just complaining about the poster because of a bunch of homophobic hypocrites ? Could you have enough respect to tell Fabrissou the truth ?
To the people who complained about the amazing poster : "Go fuck yourself (apparently you need it), and let Fabrissou enjoy the convention"
I'm sooooo pissed off.